Your Self-Worth


Jesus said "Are not five sparrows sold for two small coins? Yet not one of them has escaped the notice of God. Even the hairs on your head have all been counted. Do not be afraid. You are worth more than many sparrows! "

Luke 12:6-7

I want to ask you a big question: where do you get your self-worth? Where do you find your self-worth? Is it based on the number of likes on TikTok or Instagram? Is it based on your number of friends? Your accomplishments? Your image? 

Well, all of these will always fall short to give you proper self-worth. Each of these can be taken away and are empty in itself. True self-worth is rooted in something greater than us, more significant than Instagram, our number of friends or our titles and accomplishments. Our true self-worth is first and foremost rooted in that each of us is created and intimately known by God. By God who created us out of love, and our desire for us to live, move and have our being. Your self-worth is that you are deeply loved- not because of your accomplishment, your 100 on the last test, your likes on Instagram, your looks, or based on what anyone says. 

You are loved, needed, and willed by God. Because of that, regardless of what anyone says to you, looks down on you, or treats you- you are special, loved and held in great honour and respect because of God.  It says more about the person who doesn't recognize it than about you.

Let us pray 

Lord Jesus, help me to realize that my self-worth is rooted in you, and you alone. Guide me not into the temptation to think my worth, is based on my usefulness, my looks, or what anyone judges me as. Protect me also from thinking the worth of others is based on these as well.



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