
For the first time in forever I was watching daytime TV on an American channel and I had forgotten how the commercials are often more entertaining than most shows. One particular thing that stood out to me again was that everyone always appears so happy in those commercials.  They have a new toothpaste and instantly they smile with teeth shining brighter than the transfigured Christ. They invested in a new brush for their dog and now their life is so much better, so much happier, because their dog has been brushed like never before. They were able to sell their gold and the cash in their wallets makes them oh so much happier. 

Happiness sells. 

Happiness seems to be the selling point of a fulfilling and meaningful life. If we were to listen to these commercials we would see that it is only happiness that comes from having stuff, having money, having shinny teeth, or having a clean dog that can actually make our life better and meaningful. Stuff = happiness. 

We also hear about happiness being the end-all be-all at society at large. "Be happy, love everyone" is a message we hear over and over again. Yet regardless of how many times we told to be happy, to love everyone and be at peace, we still live in a society which is divided beyond control, that attacks itself, that doesn't respect life or care for all people at all stages and all walks of life. We are told to be happy, and yet we still live in a world struck by natural disasters, disappointing laws, and pandemics. Happiness is even harder when we see the selfishness of others, when lying and dishonest people get ahead, and when people use us for their own good, and leave us behind when they are done. How the heck are we to remain happy when this is our daily reality? 

C.S Lewis, the famous author of the Chronicals of Narnia once said, ' God cannot give us a happiness and peace apart from himself, because it is not there. There is no such thing. I think Lewis understands that the happiness of this world, the superficial happiness, the happiness that is used to sell just isn't enough. It isn't truly sustainable regardless of the amount of stuff, money, or inspiring quotes we have. No. Those aren't enough. This world, on its own, doesn't have happiness because the reality of sin, division, and hate that we live in. 

Only God can offer us true happiness. 

Only God can give us what we need to be able to break the storms of pandemics, of failed tests, of disasters and of friends and family that have hurt us. Only in connection with God, our creator are we able to find our fulfillment.  Only when we remain close to him, who knew us before we were formed in the womb (Jer 1: 4), will be ever be truly happy. When we turn ourselves to God again and again and follow him through the tricky roads and the crosses of our life, do we gain the strength, the happiness to be able to go through them.

One essential truth here about the reality of our Christian faith and the reality of the cross is that: the happiness of God doesn't mean everything will always be perfect and great. No. The happiness offered to us by God is that regardless of what goes on in this world, we know it is never the end, we know that God has conquered it (John 16: 33). The happiness we gain with God, is one to know that we are infinitely loved, cared for, supplied with graces, and that we live a life that is never alone but always accompanied by the one who knows us infinitely. 

Only God can offer us that happiness. No amount of money, no amount of shine off our teeth, no amount of drugs or friends can offer us that happiness, that true fulfillment that God can. 

 My challenge for you is to turn yourself again to God, and open yourself to him in prayer, so that regardless of the pain, of the emptiness, or of whatever you are going through you may experience the true happiness, love, and fulfillment found in our creator alone. 



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