
Showing posts from February, 2021


This week we have begun the season of lent once again on Ash Wednesday. Lent, of course, is the season where we embark on the journey of faith towards the ultimate feasts during the paschal triduum. Due to the pandemic, your start to lent was probably notably different.  The church world wide was directed to follow the Italian way of sprinkling ashes on top of the head, instead of the cross on the forehead, as we are use to here in North America.  I for one defiantly miss the ash selfies this year which decorate Catholic social media during this season.   Maybe in your city or state, churches are limited in numbers and so the emptiness of the church was particularly noticed. Maybe you weren't even allowed to gather and the services were exclusively online, and that is an immense difference for us Catholics who find great importance in gathering as a community of faith, to express our faith, and share in the divine life God offers us as a community. Lent has already been a...